Pepa Kararehe
Pepa putea i hangaia i te 2ply pepa calless
Tae: ma, tae.
Rauemi: pepa pepa.
Waitohu: Paperkback, hurihia, ritenga.
Ko nga tirohanga hei whakamahi: Nga toa hokohoko, nga toa hoko, me etahi atu
2 ply chabonless pepa pepa rehita rehita rehita
Ko te raarangi o te waipiro e whakaputa ana i nga whakaahua, pouri pouri mo te whakamahi i nga miihini hokohoko-hokohoko. Ko te hoahoa e toru-tau te roa mo te tino kaha. End-of-roll indicator conveniently lets you know when it's almost time to replace the roll.when printed in the first ply.the massage will be showed in the second ply until last ply.